Monday, November 13, 2006

What is the greatest invention of all time?

I can't tell you what the greatest invention of all time is... Soap? Antibiotics? Agriculture? Impossible to say. In my lifetime, though, it's obviously the personal computer.

(From Consumating)


ange said...

So how are the snow levels now?

Driftwood said...

Actually, it's almost 60 degrees [15 in Canadian] out!

And bright and sunny!

ange said...

Crazy! It's raining here. Surprised?

Driftwood said...


How's that turbidity!? LOL!

ange said...

Who doesn't love a little turbidity now and then? You're obviously just jealous.

Driftwood said...

*takes a swig from his glass of clean, cool, and refreshingly unboiled tap water*

Yep... Jealous.