Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I like brushing my teeth, okay?

I've got my first client presentation tomorrow! It's not neccessarily MY presentation, but I'll be present, at the very least. As Brent the wetlands guy, says, "You're awfully quiet Shaun!" He was good enough to help us out with a beautification project we're working on in the middle of interstate on-ramp by giving us some good plants to use and by going to the site and doing some soil sampling which ended up meaning we'd have to do some major changes, but at least we caught them early!

Anywho, I was just thinking that I'm a major dental health freak. I've got two kinds of tooth paste. One is the new CREST ultra-super-mondo-wicked toothpaste that does e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!! It whitens, protects against sensitivity, cavities, plaque, gingevitus, and tartar buildup, and--get this--freshens your breath, too! I use this stuff in the morning and at night. It's got a very unique texture, sorta like that pumice infused liquid handsoap that you use to get axle grease and oil grime off with. It's hardcore. For inbetween brushings, I use a children's toothpaste from Colgate. Decorated with Qui-Gon Jin, Darth Maul, and Jedi Padawan Obi Wan Kenobi, it's got a Galactic Bubble Mint flavor that leaves you coming back for more. The best thing though, is it's color! It's a deep, dark, midnight blue color with metallic gold flecks. It's the 1963 Somerset Blue Metallic Cadillac of toothpastes!

My God, I'm getting weirder and weirder...

I really shouldn't have cut my hair off...

1 comment:

ange said...

Ooo...I like the sparkly toothpaste! So much so that I may actually have to buy some. In addition to my regular I mean. It's not like I'm saying I don't have toothpaste at all. I have to stop typing now.