Thursday, September 14, 2006

It ain't easy being green...

You are Kermit the Frog.You are reliable, responsible and caring. And you have a habit of waving your arms about maniacally.

FAVORITE EXPRESSIONS:"Hi ho!" "Yaaay!" and "Sheesh!"

FAVORITE MOVIE:"How Green Was My Mother"

LAST BOOK READ:"Surfin' the Webfoot: A Frog's Guide to the Internet"

HOBBIES:Sitting in the swamp playing banjo.

QUOTE:"Hmm, my banjo is wet."

Take this quiz!

I also have a new joke, courtesy of my father!

What do you call a homosexual dinosaur? [See comments for the answer!]


Driftwood said...


ange said...

I think I love you. :-)

Driftwood said...

Really? You should have said something while I was at least in the same country as you!

Now, you are terribly, terribly out of luck!

ange said...

Well maybe I would've if you'd told the dinosaur joke then...geez.

Driftwood said...

But my dad didn't tell it to me until yesterday!

ange said...

Excuses, excuses. It's poor craftsman who blames his tools. I don't think that reall applies here in the strictest sense but I'm okay with that.